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0340 Heavy Duty Top Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This 0340 Top Pivot is heavy duty and included with the 0370 Pivot Set. Walking beam top pivot for center hung bottom pivot or floor closer.…

0127B Bottom Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This 0127B Bottom Pivot is included with the 0127 Pivot Set. The bottom leaf mortises into side jamb and rests on floor and door leaf mortis…

0327B Bottom Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This 0327B Bottom Pivot is included with the 0327 Pivot Set. The bottom leaf mortises into side jamb and rests on the floor and door leaf mo…

0370B Bottom Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This 0370B Bottom Pivot is included with the 0370 Pivot Set. The bottom leaf mounts on top of finished floor and door leaf mortises into bot…

0128B Bottom Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This 0128B Bottom Pivot is included with the 0128 Pivot Set. The bottom leaf mortises on top of finished floor and door leaf mortises into b…

0340 Electrified, Heavy Duty Top Pivot Only, Center Hung - ABH
This E0340 Top Pivot is heavy duty and reversible. Provides electrical power transfer from the frame to the door via (8) 30AWG wires. Mortis…

0117.75 Heavy Duty Pivot Set, Center Hung - ABH
This 0117.75 Heavy Duty Center Hung Pivot Set includes 0345 Top Pivot and 0117.75B Bottom Pivot. Reversible installation. Resources ABH_C…

0370 Electrified, Heavy Duty Pivot Set, Center Hung - ABH
This E0370 Pivot Set includes E0340 Electrified Top Pivot and 0370B Bottom Pivot. Pivot set is centered into the door thickness. Top pivot f…