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The trim function determines the function of the exit device . The 28 Series trim works with the 20 Series Exit Devices. Resources SARGEN…
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Exit Device Pull Plate Trim for 2727/2828 Exit Devices - Sargent
Sargent 28 series pulls and plates trim for the 2727/2828 series exit devices. The trim function determines the function of the exit device.…
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88 Trim for Exit Devices, Passage Function - Sargent
Sargent exit device trim for all 80 Series exit devices. **Additional options may be available, inquire via Chat.** Resources SARGENT_80_…
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Sargent exit device trim for all 80 Series exit devices. Exit device operating lever trim shall withstand 1000 inch pounds of torque without…
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Sargent exit device trim for all 80 Series exit devices. Exit device operating lever trim shall withstand 1000 inch pounds of torque without…
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Sargent exit device trim for all 80 Series exit devices. **Additional options may be available, inquire via Chat.** Resources SARGENT_80_…
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