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ExitCheck 1581S Series Mini Integrated Delayed Egress Locks - SDC
SDC's 1581S series mini delayed egress locks are designed to meet the needs of long term care and commercial facilities that require a small…

ExitCheck 1511 Series Tandem Integrated Delayed Egress Locks - SDC
SDC's ExitCheck® delayed egress locks continue to be the premier delayed egress offering on the market. The patented design revolutionized d…

ExitCheck 1511 Series Single Integrated Delayed Egress Locks - SDC
SDC's ExitCheck® delayed egress locks continue to be the premier delayed egress offering on the market. The patented design revolutionized d…

Alarm Controls
DE-1, Delayed Egress Timer - Alarm Controls
This micro-controller based unit will provide an effective means of securing an exit door while still maintaining egress during an emergency…
California Prop 65 Warning
ExitCheck 1581S-TC Tandem Cable Kit - SDC
The 1581S series locks can be utilized in single or double door applications. A remote key switch or access control must be provided to oper…

10TD Relay Time Delay Module - SDC
The SDC 10TD is a field adjustable 1-60 second miniature time delay relay designed for timed unlocking of electric locks. The 10TD mini time…

7200 Series Solenoid Controlled Cylindrical Locks - SDC
SDC's Electra™ 7200 series solenoid controlled cylindrical locks are designed for the access control of openings in commercial, industrial a…

DT Series Mini Desktop Control Console - SDC
SDC's DT series mini desktop consoles provide an economical method of controlling one or two doors. They are available in four switch config…

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Integrated movement exit delay with all-in-one Magnalock. Prevent losses at emergency exits with Securitron iMXDa. An attempted exit initia…
California Prop 65 Warning