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Von Duprin
996L Electrified Lever Exit Device Trim for 98/99 Exit Devices - Von Duprin
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Von Duprin
996L Motorized Lever Exit Device Trim for 98 - Von Duprin
M996L/L-BE motor driven electrified breakaway lever trim provides remote locking and unlocking capabilities while incorporating the patented…

Von Duprin
990 Exit Device Trim for 98/99 Series Exit Devices - Von Duprin
Von Duprin exit device trim for 98/99 series rim and vertical rod devices. The 996EO Exit Only Plate Trim is one of the standard trims for t…

Von Duprin
392 Exit Trim, Offset Pull for 98/99 Series Exit Devices - Von Duprin
The 392 offset pull is 3/4" round stainless steel, with a 7" center to center which matches the 98/99 center case. Often used with a night l…

Von Duprin
230L Lever Exit Device Trim for 22 Series Devices - Von Duprin
The 230L has a cast zinc 3/4" (19 mm) depth escutcheon. ANSI function-02. Cylinder not included. Resources VonDuprin 110,210,230 Seri…

Von Duprin
880 Exit Device Trim for 88 Series Exit Devices - Von Duprin
Von Duprin exit device trim for 88 series rim exit devices. Resources 2717_10_88 Series Catalog

Von Duprin
373 Exit Device Trim for 88 Series Exit Devices - Von Duprin
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Von Duprin
98/99 Rim Exit Device (w/ & w/o Trim) - Von Duprin
The Von Duprin 98/99 Series Rim Exit Devices are wide stile heavy-duty push pads for all types of single and double doors with mullion, UL l…

Von Duprin
98/99 Series Exit Device Alarm Kit - Von Duprin
The Von Duprin alarm kit is a simple yet effective way to deter unauthorized use of an opening. While the exit device is still a means of eg…